
About Refund Advocacy


We are a class action settlement claims recovery firm focused on helping people recover money owed to them as a result of corporate greed and wrongdoing. We exist for two reasons:

  1. To inform consumers and businesses about class action settlement recovery opportunities
  2. To advocate on behalf of our clients throughout the claims filing process until they receive their recovery

Our team is comprised of professional specialists with impressive backgrounds in law, finance, insurance, web development, and office management. We commit ourselves to adding immense value through our expertise; earning trust and respect from our satisfied clients.

Code of Ethics


Build Trust – Our clients trust us to provide high-quality service, and our Company’s success depends on our preservation of that trust. Trust is necessary to form relationships, business or otherwise, and to have confidence that our Company will fulfill any and all agreements or commitments that we have made. This is Refund Advocacy’s highest pursuit.

Tell the Truth – We take care to deal and communicate honestly with all clients, potential clients, claims administrators, counsel, courts, and governmental bodies. We further seek to ensure that the information we provide is accurate and not false or misleading. This is paramount to our Company’s commitment to acting honestly in all our business affairs.

Be Transparent – Our Company aims to act openly and honestly in all business affairs. Included in this are our marketing materials, web content, and description of services. All descriptions of our services and of the corresponding fees ought to be truthful and accurately disclosed.

Safeguard Privacy – Information is one of our Company’s most valuable assets. We take steps to protect our Company’s proprietary and confidential information from disclosure. We strive to ensure that any sensitive information that is collected or transmitted will be via secure means and will make best efforts to comply with industry standards for the protection and proper disposal of all sensitive data, both online and offline. Our employees are prohibited from providing any confidential client information to anyone except to the named client or to that client’s authorized representative.

Embody Integrity – We each made a commitment to operate ethically and to lead with integrity. This commitment is embedded in the Refund Advocacy values. Our Company aims to conduct business with honor and fairness at all times, and we hold our employees to a very high standard of personal integrity. Our employees must comply with the letter and spirit of all laws, regulations, and judicial rulings that govern our Company’s activities.